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Reading The Houses In Reverse: A Conversation on Astrology, Reincarnation, Discovering Your Gifts and Being Empowered with Astrologer Lin Ewing and LFAE Media host Joan Forest Mage (4/30/20)

Topics include:

  • the basics of astrology
  • the many aspects of life that astrology can give insight into
  • how the Life Force Arts Method and astrology help people gain greater awareness of their talents, strengths, weaknesses and ways of relating to others
  • a new system, pioneered by Lin, of understanding the “houses” of the horoscope and how they relate to reincarnation
  • The Skills of Youth (Passion and Vision) and The Skills of Maturity (Love and Wisdom) and how they are reflected in the astrological chart
  • The connection of individuality, sovereignty and empowerment
  • “Adulting”: why it is crucial to address the confusion about what it means to be an adult in our society